How can we become our best version?

Everything that exists is in constant evolution. We may not realize it or be aware of it, but life itself offers us examples in all realms where this progression happens through an alchemy where everything is transformed into a better and more beautiful version of itself.

For this process to happen, the natural flows of energy need to be in constant motion/function. In other words, the rhythms that move the cosmos need to flow freely.

Because we are the only species on the planet to impact our internal and external environment through our conscious process, we end up influencing and altering our biorhythms.

We are beings that learn and evolve through a unique system of observation and interpretation. Through this system, we create perceptions and memories that at the same time design our evolutionary path and concomitantly build a social pattern.

It is natural that as a species we behave in a similar way, and since we live a dual reality, the same network that structures and offers contour and security, generates automatism and reflexive freezing.

Hence the importance of creating throughout our lives, means that allow us to question, inquire, doubt, and above all renew our mental processes. We need from time to time to generate space in our daily lives to cleanse the system as a whole and bring more clarity to the psycho-emotional processes, otherwise the flows will be interrupted, significantly altering our individual and social evolutionary possibility. This means that life itself becomes slower, heavier, joyless, we feel disconnected, incomplete, unsatisfied. We have more difficulty in creating ways out and alternatives for more complex situations. It also means that physically the body loses its balance, generating hormonal changes that, as we know, alter the system as a whole, decreasing physical, emotional, and mental efficiency. What problems can this bring about?

The difficulty in finding solutions to daily issues leads to an increase in stress levels, generating possible anxiety, poor sleep quality, weight gain, joint pain, muscle tension, possible instabilities in social interaction, whether in the family, personal, or professional context, etc., in other words, poor quality of life.  What we offer here is not a magic pill, but an important step, an extra strength, a motivation and support that we lack when we are immersed in the eye of the hurricane and can’t see any way out. The techniques developed by sound and vibrational treatments offer practical and efficient tools to maintain a hygienic physical, psychic and emotional life.

The programs offer a vibrational reset through customized therapeutic sounds, combined with essential oils, chants and sound baths, vocal and meditative exercises and routines that will provide a Cleansing and sense of serenity, harmony and well being for your body, mind and spirit! GET TO KNOW US!