What would become of us if curiosity did not exist? If we did not have within us the desire to understand what the little dots in the sky are, why blood is red or even what reality would be like if we could visualise sounds… Perhaps we would still be waiting for fate to drop an apple on our heads. But the truth is that the more we discover, the more curious we become to go beyond and try to join the dots that are still missing. The Physics that scares us so much in school benches, is our friend and explorer and with the advent of Quantum Physics and the discovery of the vibrational reality of the universes, it becomes impossible to hold the imagination and contain curiosity. In this link below we present a video that shows the visual patterns of different frequencies (if you want to know more about frequencies visit the blog “The Sound and its properties, how to understand?) As we vary the frequency, the patterns change. But perhaps the most intriguing thing is being able to perceive these patterns in several different medias. In figure 1, we can observe that in row 1 the images of the vowel frequencies have some similarity with row 3 which shows us images of a section of a DNA helix and in row 2 the same similarity of images in works of art created millennial ago, pairing with an image of the particle accelerator at CERN (European Centre for Nuclear Research).

Each of these images invites us to reflect on the vibrational world. That structure invisible to the human visual squeeze that sustains and structure for material life. In other words, what we do not see structures what we see, and we are different because we vibrate differently and each small variation in vibration will alter what we see as material. The vibration determines the physical pattern that manifests in the physical dimension of each thing that exists.
So it is easy to understand why the lion is a lion, the stone is a stone, the coconut tree is a coconut tree. And it is also easier to understand why lions are all alike and human beings are so different… We are the only planetary beings endowed with a psychic structure that enables us to alter the environment in which we live. And this happens intrinsically and extrinsically.
The way we think and feel is determinant in the construction and development of the experience we live. Quantum physics supports our reflection when it shows us that nothing is permanent and that everything is constantly in movement, and furthermore when it places the observer at the centre of the result of any experience, through the statement “the presence of the observer alters the result of the experience”. The structuring of the psychism itself is the result of what the brain perceives, associated with the interpretation made of this information that was perceived. This is how the beliefs are formed, the foundation of each individual, and whether they are socio-cultural, scientific, medicinal, spiritual or any other spectrum of understanding of the universe, they will define the personal vibration, the vibrational pattern of each individual. So perhaps we can complement René Descartes’ famous phrase I think, therefore I exist, to I think, therefore I exist, therefore I alter experience.
Joining the dots is being able to look at the universe through the vibration of each thing. Being aware of the vibrational atomic reality of the universe and realising that even what seems rigid and static to us, such as the mineral kingdom, for example, when observed as a particle is eternally mobile. Perhaps it is paradigmatic and requires more reflection for us to make the leap, but it will certainly bring a more liberating position in relation to life itself. We can and we must perceive our potential to create our own individual reality and finally disconnect from this collective reality that imprisons and victimizes our Human Family. We are responsible co-creators of the universe, we were once in the caves.. and since then what we have produced and created have been determining the experience we live in. The true creative power is not in between the extension of duality but rather in being able to observe from neutrality and choose to manifest from desire and not to victimise from lack.